Life Of A Teenager


A day in the life of a teenager in the summer holidays:>

Wake up.
Have a wank in the lounge because you can.
Clean sofa and part of lounge carpet.
Fart at the dog to see what it does.
Accidentally, find parent's home made porn.
Become confusingly aroused and have second relaxed wank.
Invite friends over for a party.
Drink cherry brandy and other spirits that have been in the cupboard since 198o.
Catch friends who accidentally watching your parent's home made porn while you were having a shit.
Kick friends out.
Attempt third undisturbed wank in lounge even though your willy is throbbing by now.
Get caught mid-stroke by your Nanny checking you're ok.
Reason to yourself that you're Nanny didn't know what you were doing.
Accept that deep down you know she did and contemplate all possible outcomes.
Search youporn for "Lesbian sex".
Have fourth wank.
Feel ashamed while cleaning man fat from over your stomach and from inside your bellybutton.

Go to bed with a smile.:p:roflmao:<3+<3