Hi Hamster, I checked out the little market by my house and I found the Kimlan soy sauce in the bottle. There was three kind. One with lower sodium, regular, and super special. I bought the super special for $5.89 and the regular for $2.28. Both of the bottle was 20 0z. I believe they sell those Kimlan bottle at most of the Chinese market over here. If you come to eat at Noodle World, any big or decent size market nearby should have the sauce in the bigger bottle.
I tasted the Kimlan soy sauce in those little packet a the mall and it was pretty good. I didn't taste the bottle one yet, but I will update on it when I get a chance to try it out.
I didn't get the LIGHT kind like shown in the picture. I got a regular one, but the super special bottle looks like that. How does the bottle you bought from Ebay looks like?