How Do You Feel Today (mood)?


Level 3
Super Moderator
:cry::cry::cry: ( tears of joy) my dear friend just stop by


Level 3
Weather is just cold and bland here, I'm hoping for a heavy rain soon.

I like the cold too, it gives me a reason to wear all my cute winter outfit. :D
Too bad it don't snow down here where I am. :(
Have to go up to Big Bear to see the snow, never got a chance to go yet. :)
Never get to see snow in person yet. :bag:



Level 3
Cold weather is bad for your skin. At least in LA, you'll remain youthful longer :)

I think the sun do more damage to the face. :D
I have to put sun screen and moisturizer for the sun.
The cold, I only need to put moisturizer and save money on the sun screen.
I use Shiseido sun screen so it cost more for me to maintenance. :)


Level 3
Interesting. I observe that my skin is more smooth in cold weather but more wrinkly in warm, hot weather.

Yeah, the sun does give you wrinkles and fine lines.
You aged faster with the sun. :D
The mall's cosmetics rep always recommend sun screen for a skin care routine. ;)
Hunnie you're such a great online friend and confidante! Thank you dear for putting up with my craziness!
Going shopping. I try to at least buy a new shirt each week just cause. I like cheap hoodies, under 20.00, something that keeps me warm and loose fitting.


Feeling pretty good today (y)
I have to go to work today an hour early not to mention I have to make an extra stop to pick up a co-worker who just turned me down for sex the other night. Not to mention that all i feel like doing is drinking and smoking weed today. I have to leave in an hour and half, bummer!


Level 3
I have to go to work today an hour early not to mention I have to make an extra stop to pick up a co-worker who just turned me down for sex the other night. Not to mention that all i feel like doing is drinking and smoking weed today. I have to leave in an hour and half, bummer!

Why are you giving her rides now?


Level 3
Going shopping. I try to at least buy a new shirt each week just cause. I like cheap hoodies, under 20.00, something that keeps me warm and loose fitting.

I been going to the mall for two days straight and got sick last night afterward. Was horrible flu symptoms.
Today feeling better so I went down to eat in Long Beach and stop by the video store and purchase 4 old series for my Chinese series collection. Starting a collection on it. Going to have to get a nice white shelves for it.


Level 2
Today feeling better so I went down to eat in Long Beach and stop by the video store and purchase 4 old series for my Chinese series collection. Starting a collection on it. Going to have to get a nice white shelves for it.
Are they originals?
Decided I didn't want to lose a cool ass friend.
I work right next to her. I want to maintain a positive working relationship. She offered me coffee and told me we can hang out as friends. I accepted the offer. I don't hold grudges. I told her don't make plans she can't commit to. I enjoy her friendship as much as I want to do her.